This task can be used to calculate the radial density profile of a galaxy.


  • ELLPROF [false]. This flag enables the radial profile task.

Parameters for the task are: RADII, NRADII, RADSEP, XPOS, YPOS, PA, INC, SIDE (see 3DFIT). If FITSFILE is a datacube, the profile is calculated from the column density map calculated after masking the cube accordingly to the MASK parameter. If FITSFILE is a 2D intensity map, this is used to extract the profile.


The task produces the following outputs. NAME is the name of the galaxy.

  • A FITS file NAME_densmap.fits with the map used to extract the profile.

  • A text file NAME_densprof.txt, containing with the radial profiles.


An example parameter file to extract the radial profile from the usual NGC2403 datacube, given a set of rings.

FITSFILE    ngc2403.fits

/////////// ELLPROF parameters /////////////
ELLPROF       true
// Input rings
NRADII      41
RADSEP      30     
XPOS        77         
YPOS        77     
INC         60
PA          123.7
// Mask for extracting intensity map
// Which side of the galaxy
SIDE        B