Installing BBarolo

Pre-compiled binaries

Pre-compiled executable files for the GUI and the command line utility are available at this page. Binaries are for Linux x86_64 and Mac OS X (> 10.6).

The command line executable (BBarolo) is also included in the GUI binary packages and can be found at:

  • Linux: same directory of BBaroloGUI

  • MacOS:

The pre-compiled executables should work on most systems. If they don’t, please compile BBarolo from source following the instructions below.

Compiling from source

The best way to exploit BBarolo functionalities is to compile the code directly on your computer. BBarolo compiles and runs on Unix machines only.


To compile the code, all you need is:

  • a C++ compiler supporting C++11 standard, like the GNU compiler. OpenMP support is required for multi-threading.

  • CFITSIO library.

  • FFTW library.

  • WCS library.

  • QT toolkit (> 4.0), only if you would like to use the GUI.

  • Gnuplot and Python (> 2.6) with the Astropy package.

Most of these libraries and packages should already be installed on scientific machines. Otherwise, you can easily install them through the terminal commands of the various package managers, i.e. apt-get on Ubuntu-based, pacman on Arch-based, yum on RPM-based distros, brew or port on Mac OS X. Note that the QT toolkit is only needed to compile the GUI, which is optional. Gnuplot and Python are not needed to successfully compile the code, but without them BBarolo will not produce any outputs.


If your machine satisfies the above requirements, compiling BBarolo will hopefully be a piece of cake.

  1. Download the latest stable release. From a terminal:

    > wget

where X.Y is the release version. If you are brave, you can also try the latest (non stable) source code from here.

  1. Uncompress it and enter the BBarolo directory:

    > tar -xvf X.Y.tar.gz
    > cd Bbarolo-X.Y
  2. Configure running autoconfigure script:

    > ./configure

If the script is not executable: > chmod +x configure. The configure script takes a number of optional arguments. For instance, it is possible to specify installation and library directories, or the compiler to use:

> ./configure CXX=icpc --prefix=/dir/to/install --with-cfitsio=/dir/of/cfitsio --with-wcslib=/dir/to/wcslib

If the configuration fails, follow the suggestions given by the script to manually set the path of libraries.

  1. Compile the source:

    > make

To compile in parallel: > make -j N, where N is the number of processors. If the compilation succeeds, the executable BBarolo will appear in the current directory.

Optional steps

  1. Install, e.g. copy the executable in the installation path (default is /usr/local/bin):

    > make install
  2. Compile the GUI (QT > 4 needed):

    > make gui

This can fail for a number of reasons.

  1. Compile BBarolo as a library:

    > make lib
  2. Clean up unnecessary files:

    > make clean

Installing via Homebrew (MAC only)

If you use Homebrew package manager for MacOSX, there is a simpler way of compiling and installing the code:

> wget
> brew install [--HEAD] bbarolo.rb

The first command downloads a ruby installing script, the second command installs BBarolo in /usr/local/Cellar/bbarolo and symlinks the executable to /usr/local/bin. Homebrew takes care of all dependencies. After installation, you will be able to run the code from any directory just by typing BBarolo. The optional argument --HEAD install the latest non-stable version rather than the stable release.

To uninstall BBarolo:

> brew uninstall bbarolo