
I will try to write a troubleshooting page while I receive the feedback from BBarolo’s users.

In the meanwhile, please report any bug or problem you have with BBarolo and pyBBarolo. If you are a Github user, you can submit an issue ticket at this page. Otherwise you can email me. Please attach any significant error messages and tell me how to reproduce the problem.

I will try to fix the issues as soon as I can. Thank you.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) The code compiled successfully but when I run BBarolo I get an “error while loading shared libraries: libXXX: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”.

This error arises when some of BBarolo’s dependencies (CFITSIO, WCS or FFTW libraries) have not been installed in a default library path. Solve this problem by adding the library path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. If you are using Bash shell:


If you are using C-shell:


To make it permanent, the above commands can be simply added to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.cshrc files (make sure to start a new shell after doing it).

2) On my Mac OS, BBarolo compiles correctly but then it crashes with no error message.

This may be due to Apple default compiler, Clang. The latest versions of Clang++ does not compile the code correctly, resulting in a SEGSEV error (like “zsh: abort”). To fix this, recompile the code using another compile (for example GNU GCC).

3) BBarolo seems to run smoothly but suddenly it gets “Killed”.

The code has been killed by the system kernel for some reason. For example, you can check that with:

dmesg | grep -i kill

99% will be a memory problem. BBarolo needs to allocate as much memory as three times the size of the input datacube. If you are working with big datasets (>4 GB), you can easily run out of memory. Please use a more powerful machine.